Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Charts: Here are few sample charts

Here are few charts on my blog

This is my second Blog

This is my second blog post with some images

This is my first blog : Joke of the Day - Don’t Look at the Light!

Hi There ,
This is my first sample blog ...

Here is the joke now

Customer: “My mouse doesn’t work any more.”
Tech Support: “Is it an optical or ball mouse?”
Customer: “Huh?”
Tech Support: “Does it have a ball or light?”
Customer: “It has an light on top.”
Tech Support: “On top?”
Customer: “Yeah. It was underneath before, but it looks better when it’s on top.”
Tech Support: “Ok, try turning it around so the light points down on the desk.”
Customer: “Oh! It works!”

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


About Me

Hi There,
You can put ur photo now
This is a sample blog post.

I am blah blah blah. I love blogging on blah blah blah topics.

some more blah blah about me , to impress you.